All bat species in the UK are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) as amended, and by European Directives all of which makes them a material consideration in the planning process. Should your planning application affect mature trees, built structures, bridges, disused mines, or key habitat features such as hedgerows, tree lines and woodland then it is likely that a bat survey will be required to determine how bats are using your site and the features within your site.
Bat surveys follow a phased approach;
- initial daytime surveys which can either be a internal and external building assessment or tree roost assessment; and
- further night time surveys (dusk emergence, dawn re entry and activity surveys) to confirm presence or absence.
The scope of the further surveys depends on the results of the initial assessments. Sonar Ecology can assist and advise on bat issues throughout all stages of a project. We can deliver method statements relating to tree felling procedures where bats maybe at risk, mitigation plans and licence applications where required.
We also offer specialist thermal imaging services for bat surveys which, when coupled with conventional survey approaches, can greatly increase the accuracy of results and provide visual evidence for clients and decision making bodies. We are experts in acoustic analysis of field data and utilize statistical software to get the most relevant information out of the data collected for our clients.
Contact us to find out how we can assist you and click on our bat specialist services for more information.